
The Internet doesn’t seem like a safe place. Not that it ever did.. I guess I realize how unsafe it always has been, more. People are holding others to unrealistic expectations that they themselves can’t even live up to. And everyone’s expectations, and how those expectations may look, is/are different from person to person.. so no two people will ever completely agree on everything.

And that is where acceptance comes in. Accepting each other in-spite of differences. Building upon commonalities opposed to differences. Understanding that differences are one’s uniqueness, not something which should be devalued because it may not completely align with yours.

This feels like an SOS, or a recorded document that I am writing for future open-minded peoples and creatures that may stumble upon it. Whether this language may become extinct, or not. This feels right, which is why all of the other things I was trying to fill myself with, was not fulfilling. I suppose I am meant to write what I am writing, right now, in this moment. That to express my perspective in words is some aspect of my purpose. It is part of my purpose because it is a unique perspective in which I think. Anyone, really, as so much as one who questions why, and questions others, maybe. Do I actually know? Express your uniqueness. I suppose I leave most things open and up for interpretation.

It is excellent to write as if there is mystic importance to what is flowing through my skull.

So any future outerspaciuns out there.. I’m not going to explain what the internet is. Try to find another ancient artifact for that description.